The Mystery of Life - Intuitive Oracle Cards - The Story of the Soul
Magic Lenormand Cards
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Oracle Card Decks: 101 Cards + 110 pages Guidebook + Velvet Bags with logo + Certificate
Cards Dimensions: 7×12 cm | 2.75×4.75 inches
Do you want to read the oracle cards for yourself?
Oracle Card Decks “The Mystery of Life – Intuitive Oracle Cards” are an easy way to read the cards for beginners and how to use intuition to give readings.
We have created the unique intuitive system of divination.
Reading is simple and fast.
Awaken your divine intuition in 30 minutes.
Reading with three cards for yourself is a way to get a quick reading, easiest and fastest, on a particular question.

Evina Cards ™ Social and Environmental Responsibility
NO! The child labour
NO! The new form of slavery
NO! The profits made from the exploitation
Although we know the customer want is demanding for cheap prices, we will not produce cards in inhuman conditions for $3 or less.
You can see how innocent people work in harsh conditions in the following videos. It’s not only in fashion but in other types of products. The greedy buyer goes to the cheaper rate. Low wages, lack of worker’s rights and low manufacturing cost. It uses cheap and slaves workers all aver the world, not only in fashion industry.
Fashion Factories Undercover, Made in Bangladesh, Der Preis der Blue-Jeans (The price of blue jeans)
Around the world, there should be equilibrium among worker’s wage, business owner’s expense-profit and consumer’s income.
Without an equilibrium there is no harmony.

We produce from only in ethical and environmental companies in Europe.
We providing them with fair fees and creating a healthy work environment.
Our cards you can buy only on our sites and